Easter Caccavellu

Easter Caccavellu

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Olive oil        6 people        45 min



• 1kg of flour
• 400g of sugar
• 1 sachet of active dry yeast
• 6 + 2 eggs
• 50g of olive oil
• 1 or 2 capfuls of pastis to taste
• 2 handfuls of aniseed
• A pinch of salt


• Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water.

• Mix with 300g of flour and cover with a cloth.

• Leave the dough to rise (a few hours to 24 hours) in a warm place.

• Add the rest of the flour, 6 eggs, pastis, sugar and olive oil.

• Knead the dough for 15 minutes.

• Place the dough in a ring shape on a baking tray.

• Place the remaining 2 eggs on top.

• Leave to rise for a few hours in a warm place (about 2 hours).

• Brush the top of the cake with egg yolk

• Bake the crown in the oven at 200°C for 45 minutes.

«Cacavellu», «panette», «campanile», «miquette»... whatever you call it,
this is the traditional Easter cake. Flavoured with olive oil and a variety
of flavours of your choice, this crown-shaped brioche is decorated with hard-boiled eggs stuck in the dough, symbolising hope, and fertility.orée d’œufs durs enfoncés dans la pâte qui symbolisent l’espoir et la fécondité.